Open Source Geospatial Foundation
OSGeo was created to support the collaborative development of open source geospatial software, and promote its widespread use.
OSGeo’s International Conference for Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial will be held August 14-19, 2017 at the Seaport Hotel & World Trade Center, Boston. |
The New England Chapter of the Urban & Regional Information Systems Association (NEURISA) is a professional organization that provides a forum for: promoting and facilitating the use and integration of spatial information technology, fostering relationships, professional development, and representing the interests of Geographic Information System (GIS) practitioners and Information Technology professionals across the New England region.
State GIS Resources
Are we missing a good resource? Let us know.
Connecticut Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP)
DEEP develops and shares geospatial information. Connecticut Environmental Conditions Online Access to Connecticut's natural resource geographic information. Also includes links to other Connecticut data sources. University of Connecticut Map and Geographic Information Center (MAGIC) GIS data distribution page includes are a variety of Connecticut GIS datasets. |
Maine Office of GIS (MEGIS)
The mission of MEGIS is to provide baseline geospatial data, services, and support to users of geospatial technology in state government and the public, with the ultimate goal to increase and ease the use of geospatial technologies. |
Through the Office of Geographic Information (MassGIS), the Commonwealth has created a comprehensive, statewide database of spatial information for mapping and analysis. |
New Hampshire
NH Granit
As New Hampshire's Statewide Geographic Information System (GIS) Clearinghouse, NH GRANIT offers an array of geospatial services. |
New York
New York Open Data
Browse and download over 1,400 New York State data resources on topics ranging from farmers’ markets to solar photovoltaic projects to MTA turnstile usage. New York State GIS Clearinghouse The NY State GIS Clearinghouse disseminates information about New York's Statewide GIS Coordination Program and provides access to the New York GIS Data and Metadata Repository. |
Rhode Island
Rhode Island GIS (RIGIS)
RIGIS provides users with access to a wide variety of full coverage location-based data (geospatial data) for the state of Rhode Island. |
Vermont |
Vermont Center for Geographic Information (VCGI)
VCGI is your source for Vermont's geospatial data, information, and activities. VCGI is a division of the Agency of Commerce and Community Development charged by the State of Vermont with assisting the Vermont GIS community as well as anyone interested in geospatial technology or mapping. |